Book review: The Perfect Life by Nuala Ellwood

The hook “Have you evert wanted to be someone else?” was one I found hard to resist. Having loved The House on the Lake by the same author I couldn’t wait to start reading. Vanessa has always found it easy to pretend to be somebody different, somebody better. When things get tough in her real … More Book review: The Perfect Life by Nuala Ellwood

Book review: Part of the Family by Charlotte Philby

Who could resist a book that’s described as a blend of spy thriller and domestic drama? Especially when you learn that the author’s an investigative journalist and granddaughter of double agent Kim Philby. On the surface, Anna Witherall has the perfect life. Married to her university boyfriend David, she has an enviable job as a … More Book review: Part of the Family by Charlotte Philby

Book review: The Searcher by Tana French

I love Tana French’s writing – her descriptions are beautiful and her characters are multi-dimensional and always feel real. However, she’s also incredibly versatile which means you never quite know what you’re going to get with her books. Retired US police officer Cal Hooper moves to a remote village in rural Ireland where he plans … More Book review: The Searcher by Tana French