Book review: My Sister is Missing by Julia Barrett

Today is publication day for My Sister is Missing.

My Sister is Missing

The blurb

A few weeks after giving birth, new mum Stephanie Henderson goes missing with her baby. With husband Adam in despair and the police investigation at a standstill, it’s up to Steph’s sister Jess to find them. 

But when Adam starts to behave suspiciously, Jess starts to question what really happened. She tries to find a rational explanation for Steph’s disappearance but becomes gradually aware that since the birth her sister hadn’t been coping nearly as well as Jess had imagined.  When CCTV appears to show a woman with a baby jumping in front of a train Jess fears the worst – but was it Steph, and what does Adam have to hide?


My review

I loved the premise for this and although the story didn’t quite go in the direction I expected it to, it held my attention throughout.

It got off to a cracking start. I was immediately drawn in, intrigued by Steph’s disappearance and Adam’s secretive behaviour, so I kept turning the pages to find out what had really happened.

The story’s told in different viewpoints including Steph through her diary and although I think this sometimes took away the potential for surprise, it was interesting to see what was going on in different characters’ heads.

I’d describe the story as more of a drama than a thriller but as the backstory unfolds there are some interesting revelations and the author does a good job at highlighting the issue of post natal psychosis.

My Sister is Missing is published by Red Door on 14th March. It’s available in paperback and ebook formats.

Thanks to Netgalley and RedDoor for a copy of this book in return for an honest review.

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